Red Sox moves help them get the thorn out of their side
I guess things are right in the universe of the AL East this morning. Boston Red Sox fans are finally celebrating getting that thorn out of their side. It's a thorn that's been bothering them for a little over a years. A thorn that showed up quickly, but is now petering out. With a 6-3 victory over the Rays, the Red Sox all but ended the Rays chances of returning to the playoffs for a second year in row.
It was painfully obvious last night the difference between the "haves" and the "have-nots." The Red Sox moves during the trade deadline seemed aimed at stopping the Rays. They shored up all the positions that caused them problems with the Rays last year. They made huge upgrades at the shortstop and catcher position. The addition of notorious Rays' killer Victor Martinez was like icing on the cake. In the bullpen, Danial Bard and Billy Wagner are both guys who got Rays out without a problem last night.
The lesson to be learned here: The Rays have to get at it early if they want to make the playoffs. Like it or not, the Rays are still chasing their slow start in April. They're learning this year that it's much easier to be the team looking down. Maybe it's a lesson they'll carry into next year. As for Boston, they've made the moves to beat the Rays... but, their's a giant elephant staring down at them from the Bronx. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
I wouldn't say the Red Sox made moves to only beat the Rays. There are a lot of other teams out there for us to keep pace with. And remember getting to the playoffs is what matters not how you get there. When the playoffs start everyone is 0-0 again. The Yankees? The Red Sox have proven over the last several years that we know how to beat them.
Julia...guess you weren't watching much THIS year
"we have proven the last several (?) years we know how to beat the Sox & Yankees" could have fooled me...
In case you haven't noticed Boston & New York both got better this year and the Rays got worse,
so how do we go about beating them for the playoffs???.....Me and Maddon and about 10,000 knowledgeable fans would like to know!
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