Rays Round-up: Owning Boston Edition
Scanning the Boston papers this morning made me feel like a kid on Christmas. I enjoy nothing more than reading how Red Sox fans are reeling with their team. Let's face facts: The Rays have owned the Red Sox since the middle of last year. For some reason, the Rays really get it going against them.
Tonight, I'm headed to Tropicana Field for game 3 of this 4 game set. I'll get to see Jeff Niemann pitch in person for the first time as he takes on Tim Wakefield. I'll have my white jersey on over my "Beast of the East" T-shirt. I'll bring my cowbell and some attitude. I'm sure I'll have plenty to say tomorrow.
Here's this today's Round-up. As always, my comments are italics.
-The game wrap-up article from the Boston Herald sounds just like the Rays writers did following the Minnesota series. Fortunes seemed to have turned, but the Rays need to keep it up. The difference is that the Red Sox still have a record over .500, the Rays do not.
-Red Sox writers have seen enough of Longo already. The Red Sox really don't like the prospect of seeing Evan Longoria 18 times a year. After last night, I guess not.
-They're also calling the Trop a house of horrors. This article sums up pretty much what I've been thinking about this Rays team. They really zone in when they play the Red Sox. Now, if they can only focus that energy against teams like Seattle, Oakland, and Minnesota.... they could do some damage.
-Rise of the Rays say we need to play the Red Sox more than 18 games a season. He also talked about Red Sox nation still showing up at the Trop. Luckily for me, I'm sitting among a group of local fans. So, I won't have Red Sox fan nearby. At least he got the chance to watch Red Sox fan realize the power that is Longo!
-And Matty from St. Petersburg pointed out this site: JoeMaddonSucks.com. Lots of good pessimism against the manager on this blog. I'll have to keep an eye on it even though I don't agree.
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