Morning Round-up: Kazmanian Devil Edition
Here are some thoughts about the Rays victory over the Red Sox last night. As always, my comments are in italics:
- The Boston Herald ran a poll: What was the Red Sox' problem of the game on Wednesday? As of this morning, it's split pretty evenly between poor Red Sox pitching (39%) and Tampa Bay's pitching was too good (41%). As much as I like to hate on the Red Sox, I have to give their fans credit for really knowing the game. Even the most die hard, chowdah-head can acknowledge a great performance by the Kazmanian Devil.
- Herald columnist Steve Buckley tries to calm Red Sox Nation down with this column: Two sides to this loss. I like the guy's optimism. He breaks down the fifth inning and tries to absolve Lester a little bit. But, no matter how you slice it, Lester's walk of Kapler and Pena's home run ball both fall squarely on Lester's shoulders. You can nit pick all you want about what happened in between.
- Boston Globe writer Adam Kilgore wrote this nice description of the Pena's homer:
Lester tried to sneak a cutter past Peña. "He pretty [well] knows what's coming," Lester said. "We're not going to screw around with him there. Threw it middle, middle" - over the plate's heart and at Peña's belt. Peña unleashed a vicious swing and then posed for a moment, sending the ball through the pitch-black night and into the first row above the triangle. A taut game had suddenly become a 5-1 beating.That speaks for itself!
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