Rich Herrerra Radio Therapy
I was hoping it was over, but tonight the 2008 Kaz reared his ugly head against the Chicago White Sox. I've been pimping the Kazmanian Devil since spring training. I want to see the dominant guy we knew before. Today, we didn't see that guy. Instead we saw the guy who couldn't hit the strike zone.
Matty from St. Pete says the title of my post-game post should be about how the Rays are not going to make the playoffs because of the bats and the pitching. Since I'm the optimist, I believe it's still early.
After the game, Maddon says Kaz didn't look that bad to him. He was missing down a lot which wasn't a bad sign, but he couldn't find the zone. Maddon says it's still early. Pat the Bat and BJ don't have their feet under them yet. He says the team is playing hard, but they need to get it all together. He says outside of the score the game play is good.
Rich Herrerra Therapy
Thankfully, Rich Herrerra on the Rays post-game radio show is always the voice of reason after games like this. Here's a little of what he had to say:
First caller asks why Maddon played Gabe Kaplar instead of Ben Zobrist. Herrerra says don't blame Kaplar. Blame the walks. Six runs scored off walks. He says it's a stretch to blame the 8 hitter for this team's problems.
Next caller asks why Maddon didn't keep JP Howell in longer. Rich Herrerra says Howell's job is not to be long reliever. Since he has to go out day after day, it's important to keep him ready for tomorrow. Doesn't benefit the team for him to pitch a bunch of innings tonight.
Aaron from Sarasota says the Rays haven't found their groove, yet. He says once the Rays find it there won't be all these crazy questions about the team. Herrerra says it's frustrating to watch a talented team not play to its potential, yet.
Steve leaving the ball game says the team is off to a bad start. Herrerra disagrees. He says the team is off to a slow start. He says there's a difference. A team just below .500 is off to a slow start. After that, Steve's intoxication sort of comes through as he asks two separate questions in one long free flow sentence. Herrerra reiterates slow start and says this team is better than last year. Steve gives a shout out to the Rays and says he hopes they kick ass!
Thank you, Rich for getting my mind straight and talking me off the ledge. Your post-game show is always good for that. I'm sure there will be plenty more opportunities for me to use your therapy skills.
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